Digital Learning and Teaching Digital Tools Engagement Interactivity MS365

Enhancing PowerPoint Presentations

There are many different ways that you can push PowerPoint presentations beyond a simple slide show. Have you considered using animations, branching, SmartArt, multimedia or interesting slide transitions? Here are a few ways that you can enliven your presentations. Zooming in PowerPoint If you want your presentations to look more dynamic try using Zoom in […]

Digital Learning and Teaching Engagement Interactivity Knowledge Check

Warm-up activities in an online environment

Warm-up activities in an online environment Warm up activities are short, and often fun, activities designed to encourage students, and prepare them to learn by stimulating their minds (and/or their bodies).  Why a warm-up activity?  Any kind of engagement with your students will help to build a sense of community and belonging, which is good for […]

Digital Learning and Teaching Engagement Interactivity Pedagogy

Did someone say LECTURE?

As we resume teaching face to face after 3 years of remote and hybrid teaching, as an academic passionate about making an impact, it’s fantastic to be back in the classroom and lecture halls! Did I just use the word ‘lecture’? It’s 2022, post-covid and it’s become more apparent than ever before, that while it’s […]

Digital Learning and Teaching DMU Replay Interactivity Knowledge Check

DMU Replay – more than lecture capture 

DMU Replay (aka. Panopto) is utilised at DMU as a policy-supported mechanism to record all instructor-led classroom sessions (lectures). The baseline requirement for such recordings is to record the voice of the presenter and any visual elements that they are presenting – such as PowerPoint slides. DMU Replay recordings give students the opportunity to revisit […]